American Barns

American style barns look great!

American barns certainly look good although sometimes the purpose that people intend to use them for doesn’t quite suit. Inside the building are internal portal legs that can be quite restricting so open floor space is minimal.

Kitset Sheds Ltd has the answer. 

Our American barns can be up graded to a great system that doesn’t require internal portal legs or knee braces. This completely transforms an American barn into a full open span workshop, that really does make a statement inside and out. our real good American barns are great, with internal portal columns or not they are a practical shed that has appeal.

Our American barns

Our American barns have a main roof pitch of 22 degrees and 9 or 12 degrees on the side roofs. we can customize to any height length or width, and we always pay attention to the proportions of the building, doing our best to make it look right.

Real good NZ made American Barns

When you are looking for a building for your rural or lifestyle block, American style heritage barns are a great option.  

Things people use American barns for

  • Pony stables
  • Workshops
  • Storage
  • Car storage
  • Horse stables
  • Outhouses
  • Houses
  • Accommodation